Vision – Mission

Committed to provide Best in Industry Services with Passion, Integrity and Honesty


To Become Global Leader in Virtual Professional Services and Data Analytics Industry and provide customized and end to end services.


✓  Understand existing process of the client

✓  Customize services to suit all needs of the client

✓  Become Strategic Partner and perform back office services and enable Client to grow their business

✓  Hire suitable resources and dedicate them to client’s processes

✓  Provide end to end solutions to clients and make them risk free

✓  Develop cost effective models and deliver high quality services

✓ Undertake responsibility of retaining talented employees for consistent services to clients.

✓  Always available for receiving client feedback and quick implementation


Experts in Financial, Accounting, Back-office and Data Analytics services using Real time, Virtual and Cloud Based platforms.

  1. People – High Quality resources with hands on experience and with great attitude of working for clients with dedication and commitment.
  2. Processes – Customised as per guidelines of the client and maintained with strict business discipline
  3. Pricing – Complete visibility of billing and total transparency of services and associated costs with prior approval from client.



Virtual Business Process Services

A True Extension of Your Back-office Operations

Back Office Process Management Consulting

Back Office Process Management Consulting Segment, FinacPlus will work as trusted site management partner


Data Analytics Design, Development And Delivery Services

Data Analytics Design and Development services, FinacPlus conducts data research based on Data Analytics requirement of the client


Finance and Accounting Finishing School

Finance and Accounting Finishing School Segment, FinacPlus develops suitable employment oriented practical training courses


Finance, Accounting and Reporting Services

Finance, Accounting and Reporting Services, FinacPlus will undertake working on core accounting processes of client